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Tłumacz języka migowego
tekst łatwy do odczytania ETR
Muzeum Wsi Opolskiej

Opole Rural Museum

For children
Top 10th

The Bierkowice open-air museum tells a story of an 18th-20th century rural Opole Voivodeship. The enormous area is lush with trees and other plants, and the fully restored corrals and wooden houses, which have been reconstructed in line with the conventions of the era, are open to visitors. In addition to the houses, the museum also consists of historic wooden public buildings such as a church, shrines, a village school, tavern, as well as a smithy and two beautiful windmills. It is a place where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city nearly all year round.

Contact data
Muzeum Wsi Opolskiej
ul. Wrocławska 174
45-835 Opole
77 457 23 49
sekretariat [at] muzeumwsiopolskiej.pl