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Tłumacz języka migowego
tekst łatwy do odczytania ETR
Amfiteatr Tysiąclecia - Narodowe Centrum Polskiej Piosenki

Millennium Amphitheatre – National Centre of Polish Song

Top 10th

The legendary Millennium Amphitheatre has hosted the Polish Song Festival – one of the oldest European festivals and the largest popular music event in Poland – since 1963. The festival is why Opole is known as the Capital of Polish Song, and its scene is where dozens of artists and hundreds of hit songs were first seen and heard. The popular Polish classics which ring from there every year mark the beginning of summer. The musical hallmark of Opole is managed by the National Centre of Polish Song, which hosts concerts all year round. The Chamber Room is equipped with top-of-the-line sound systems used in the largest concert venues and clubs in the world, making it a perfect place for the greatest Polish soloists and bands to perform. In the autumn/winter season, the National Centre of Polish song thus becomes one of the most important Polish concert venues.

Contact data
Narodowe Centrum Polskiej Piosenki
ul. Piastowska 14A
45-082 Opole
+48 77 451 35 75
biuro [at] ncpp.opole.pl

Informacje o biletach i koncertach

tel.: 501 958 255
tel.: 501 958 184
kasaatncpp [dot] opole [dot] pl
